View the user guide for the Member Administration Portal

As part of the new system upgrade, the Benefit Manager Toolkit (BMT) and Member Portal will transition to a new portal. 

Delta Dental of Kentucky will be upgrading to a new claims system on September 27, 2024.  Please see below for more detailed information on the go-live schedule.


The last day groups will be able to make eligibility changes, including terminations, in the Benefit Manager Toolkit will be Friday, September 13th and will be unavailable after that until the new Group Portal is available on September 30th. Groups and members will have access to DDKY customer service for inquiries during this time, but eligibility and benefit information will be quoted as of September 13, 2024.

  • To ensure manual eligibility updates will be loaded prior to September 13th, Delta Dental must receive paper eligibility forms by end of business Thursday, September 12th. You may continue to send eligibility changes, but they will not be processed until after the conversion date.
  • September 13th will be the last date of processing electronic eligibility files prior to the conversion. The next date of electronic eligibility processing will occur in approximately 14 business days. If a group uses a TPA for their file transmission, they will be notified regarding a delay in processing files.
  • If your group has a new employee or dependent that becomes eligible for coverage, and has an appointment scheduled during the system downtime, please contact your account manager with the dentist’s name and the account manager or specialist will contact the provider to verify benefits for the member. Participating dentists are also being notified about the delay in eligibility processing and will accept alternate verification of benefits during this time.


There may be some changes in billing:

  • Fully-insured groups will receive September billing statements as usual.
  • Self-funded groups that are billed monthly will receive their final bill for claims from the current system in mid-September for the billing period of 9/1 – 9/15. Due to the delay in claims processing beginning September 12th, the next bill will be issued later than usual in October for the remaining September claims.


Claims processing will be suspended until the go-live date, beginning Thursday, September 12th.


  • Benefit Manager Toolkit will be replaced by a new group administration portal, MAP.
  • Information regarding MAP registration and usage will be emailed to the current group contact prior to the go-live date.
  • Member Portal/Consumer Toolkit will be replaced by a new member portal, MWP. 
  • MWP will require new registration for all members.  Members will be able to access benefits, review claims/eligibility and print ID cards from the new portal.
  • The portal will be available starting September 30th, 2024.

Thank you for your attention to this important update. We appreciate your continued partnership.

This page will be continuously updated. Please check back for more updates.